The land of funky flavours and special preps.

Coffee in Indonesia is very unique due to its flavour profiles and diverse cultivars. Ever since we started sourcing from this origin in 2016, we have been working with one specific family in Java. We collaborate with them on producing special processing methods, such as extended fermentation and anaerobic naturals. Our goal has been to design a specific product range, while continuously testing different approaches in processing.

Harvesting season

April – September

Arrival times

October - November


Varies from 5 – 100 bag lots


60kg Grainpro bags


Mainly Sigararutang, Lini S795, & Andungsari. Also Typica, Ateng Super, P88, Borbor, & some other rare varieties


Fully washed. Sundried on patios and African beds in sun and shade, some experiments with fermentation (honey, lactic fermentation).

Flavour profiles

Sweet spices, red berries, citrus fruits, dried fruits, cocoa and marzipan.


Widely used for filters, as single origin espresso and in espresso blends.

Shelf life

Normally holds up well for a year. We can never guarantee more than 6 months after arrival for any coffees.


Our sourcing strategy in Indonesia is quite different to other origins we work in. Indonesia has an intricate value chain with many mediators doing minimal work to move the coffee along to the next player. We therefore have a direct relationship with a producer in Java and have detected a lot of potential in new cultivars and different processing methods.

Wildan and his wife Atieq started their first coffee project in the area of Sindangkerta, Weninggalih in 2010. This later became the main growing area of his farm, Java Frinsa Estate. Since their first year of production, Wildan has been focusing on quality. While the majority of the Indonesian market produces wet hulled coffees, even for specialty, Wildan has been focusing on fully washed lots. Wildan has an estate of about 130 hectares of coffee, and also processes coffees for smallholders surrounding his farm. He has more than 14 local cultivars planted and is still experimenting with new ones. He has also been focusing on proper and improved drying, as well as managing humidity levels, even under challenging weather conditions.

Wildan and the team at Frinsa experiment extensively with different bacteria and fermentation methods, such as Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces, resulting in a unique variety of funky flavours. After several years of experimentation, we have narrowed down the processing methods to a select few that consistently produce great results. 

Over the years, as we have conducted these processing experiments at their station, our cupping experience has helped us select the best-performing methods. This approach has refined our special preparations from Frinsa, leading to a well-defined product lineup with distinct characteristics for each lot.

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Harvest & Post-Harvest

A step-by-step overview


We work closely with Wildan and his team, providing extensive support and resources for experimenting with various processing methods. The Frinsa team is highly quality-oriented, managing their estate with exceptional organisation and efficiency. Each member has distinct responsibilities and agricultural expertise, and they are willing to take risks to create unique preparations. Together, we have refined these special preparations, resulting in a well-defined product lineup with distinct characteristics for each lot.

Their top priorities include using high-quality cherries, focusing on cultivars, and meticulous harvesting, picking, and sorting. They continuously reinvest in their farm, as seen in their use of greenhouse structures—an uncommon practice in Indonesia. Greenhouse drying ensures uniform drying, essential in the humid climate, leading to more consistent outcomes.


We work closely with the team at Frinsa to pre-finance the coffee we will purchase, ensuring that the team will have the capital necessary to maintain cash-flow throughout the harvest. As our selections always include funky, special preps, these coffees also have higher production costs and can be challenging to produce.


The initiatives outlined are not directly led by NA, but rather projects spearheaded by Frinsa Estate, which we can support through pre-financing our selections and finding markets for their unique flavours. Frina’s efforts bring social, economic, water conservation, and reforestation benefits to their community.

Indonesia has faced challenges like deforestation and environmental issues due to high population density and industrialization. Coffee farming is perceived as an effective solution for reforestation initiatives, and Frinsa has worked to overcome resistance from villagers to coffee farming. Wildan Mustofa, previously involved in potato breeding, shifted his focus to help local farmers find sustainable income sources, gradually gaining acceptance in the community, improving livelihoods, and reuniting families who were dispersed with the hope of finding work elsewhere. Some of Frinsa’s other initiatives include using locally-made white cotton bags to provide additional income for women off-season, as well as building a high school in the Mekarwangi village.

About the origin

Indonesia is a unique country located on the equator. It spreads across 17,500 islands with more than 300 ethnic groups and 700 living languages spoken throughout the whole archipelago.

It sits on the notorious Pacific Ring of Fire, with the largest number of highly active volcanoes in the world. Despite the natural disasters that occur every year, the volcanic terrain is a blessing for soil fertility. 

Due to high population density and rapid industrialisation, Indonesia faces deforestation challenges. Massive floods and landslides are a common problem during the rainy season, where deforestation has left hilly areas vulnerable to erosion during destructive tropical rainfall.

Coffee farming is perceived as an effective solution for reforestation initiatives. The government encouraged many NGOs to initiate land-use changes from vegetable farming to coffee planting. This effort is still ongoing, as farmers do not feel comfortable implementing such changes before seeing proven results in profits.

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Contact us

Interested in this origin? Talk to your sales rep.

Jamie Jongkind
Sales Manager
Jenny S. Christensen
Sales Manager
Alena Panicheva
Sales Manager
Gabe Dunn
Sales Manager
James Winter
Sales Manager

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