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We prioritise building relationships with quality-focused Farmer Cooperative Societies that operate coffee processing factories, incentivizing nearby smallholder members to produce high-quality coffee.

We specialise in high-scoring, complex, juicy, fruit-forward washed profiles with flavours of currants, berries, and layered sweetness. The Farmer Cooperative Societies (FCS) we collaborate with often manage multiple factories. This gives us access to coffees either from a single factory or from communal cooperative lots sourced from multiple factories under one FCS. While we prioritise annual purchases from the same factories, we are open to building relationships with producers of any scale in any coffee-growing region. Our coffees mainly come from smallholder farmers who deliver their harvest to washing stations managed by various FCS in Central Kenya.

Key highlights

At a glance

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At origin

We focus on processing, innovation, and quality.

Increasing quality

  • Sharing data & protocols with cooperatives & factories
  • Control over cherry selection & processing
  • Continuous sample cupping at origin & HQ

Improving efficiency

  • Calibration at origin
  • Harvest to export timelines
  • Producer meetings throughout harvest
  • Weekly follow up of supply chain, warehousing, & transport

Utility & innovation

  • Flavour profiling
  • Lot separation & building blends
  • Production & planning for future concepts
  • Critical analysis of cup quality
  • Product development & experimentation
  • Highlight specific lots & curate selections for customers

Export & logistics

  • Control & QC at export preparations
  • Oversee milling, bagging, & port transfer
  • Documentation handling for easy & efficient shipments
  • Personally seal cargo
  • Regular updates on shipping status

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