If you are located in Europe, we can ship to your doorstep. If you are in the USA, Asia, or Oceania, we can ship with terms CFR to your port of choice. If you are in Russia, we usually use a third party importer to insure quick and easy transport. (More details on customs clearance below).

All coffees are packed on EUR pallets (1.2m x 0.8m), wrapped in plastic, and strapped for stability. Maximum of 10 bags on each pallet, due to health and safety. A half pallet is max 280 kilos.

There is no minimum order – you can order as little as 1 bag/box. Shipping costs are based on 1 pallet, so usually it is more economical to fill up a pallet, but we can accommodate any order size.

We can ship or release coffee to you once the invoice is paid. Generally, the timeline looks like this:

  • Day 1: Invoice paid. We ask our warehouse to start packing the coffee.
  • Day 2: Coffee is packed and shipping is ordered.
  • Day 3: Coffee is dispatched, and delivered within a few days. Usually the time between payment and delivery is 5-7 business days within Europe

Customs clearance

All coffees from our Belgian warehouse are customs cleared into the EU.

Coffees in our Oslo warehouse need to be customs cleared when shipping, and in general we will arrange for that to be done through our shipper.

We can help with the process if you are new or if your country has special requirements. If you are outside the EU, local rules for customs clearance will apply, and sometimes you will need special documents (phytosanitary documents, FDA prior notification, etc. etc. etc. [the list is long and complicated]). We have pretty good experience with most countries so get in touch if you have questions!